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What is Fairview?

Fairview is a Christian school associated with Fairview Mennonite Church. It has grade levels K-12, teaching the Accelerated Christian Education's PACE curriculum where your child may learn at his/her own pace and learn from a teacher in a one on one basis, instead of having to keep up with the class.

About the site designer
Hello, I am Scot Leonard of Fairview Christian School. I created this site to help parents and students keep up to date on the school 24/7. This site is also handy for people interested in learning more about our school. To contact Fairview just e-mail the school directly or e-mail me and I'd be happy to answer any questions for you.


About the principal
Brother Jay E. Fox is the principal and founder of Fairview Christian School. He also pastors Fairview Mennonite Church. He has been the principal of Fairview Christian School for over 20 years. Most of his family is active or was active in Fairview. His wife Norma Fox teaches 3rd-6th grade. Some of his children even teach, while a daughter and some grandchildren still attend the school.
Email the school! fairviewchristian@msn.com
Email me! stleon2@msn.com